簡介 About LESCT

國際技術授權主管總會(Licensing Executives Society International,簡稱LESI)

國際技術授權主管總會(Licensing Executives Society International,簡稱LESI)是一個全球性的非營利專業組織,成立於1972年,宗旨是為鼓勵從事技術或智慧財產權移轉和授權的從業人員擁有高專業水準,幫助會員提高他們授權方面的技能和技巧,告知大眾、國際機構、政府機構和商業界授權的經濟意義和授權從業人員的高專業水準,並提供給會員最新,最準確的授權相關資訊。LESI由33個國家和地區分會(Member Society)所組成,目前共有一萬名以上的個人會員,包括來自大、中、小型公司的管理人員、研究人員、工程師、學者、政府官員、律師、專利和商標律師及顧問。

Licensing Executives Society International (LESI) is a global non-profit professional society founded in 1972 with the objectives of encouraging high professional standards among individuals engaged in the transfer and licensing of technology or intellectual property rights, of assisting its members in improving their skills and techniques in licensing, of informing the public, international bodies, governmental bodies, and the business community concerning the economic significance of licensing and the high professional standards of those engaged in the licensing profession, and of making available to its members the latest, most accurate, information on licensing. LESI is made up of 33 national and regional Member Societies comprised of more than 6,500 individual members including management representatives from large, medium, and small companies, scientists, engineers, academics, governmental officials, lawyers, patent and trademark attorneys, and consultants.

國際技術授權主管總會中華分會(Licensing Executives Society Chinese Taipei,簡稱LESCT)

國際技術授權主管總會中華分會(Licensing Executives Society Chinese Taipei,簡稱LESCT)入會過程共歷時兩年六個月,過程頗為曲折和複雜。在起始原本是由臺灣技術經理人協會(Association of Technology Managers in Taiwan,簡稱ATMT)向LESI提出入會申請,但為能分別配合國內法規與國際組織的不同要求,故臨時另行分設出一暫時定名為「Steering Committee of the Taiwan Licensing Executives Association」的組織,做為入會前的過渡性安排,待正式入會後,再更名為「國際技術授權主管總會中華分會籌備處」。當初是採取由LESI提出建議,中國有條件同意,於德國慕尼黑市召開的LESI國際代表會議,於臺北時間2005年6月12日下午4點22分,由一百五十幾個會員國全體鼓掌同意,以全票通過了LESCT的入會案,而當所有會員國鼓掌同意,大家都興奮的互相擁抱,為我們終於又回到國際舞台而開心、感動。在完成相關的行政手續後,LESCT於2005年10月20日在美國亞利桑納州鳳凰城市所舉行的LESI國際代表會議中正式獲得授旗,成為LESI的第31個分會,並於2006年3月20日由內政部准予立案,正式成立 。所有LESCT的會員都自動成為LESI的會員。會員的好處包括可瀏覽LESI網站會員限定的內容及LESI名錄、取得網絡版的les Nouvelles(LESI的季刊)、以會員優惠價格報名參加所有LES會員協會的活動等。

The accession process of Licensing Executives Society Chinese Taipei (LESCT) took two years and 6 months. Initially, LESI proposed the establishment of a new chapter by consulting with all parties concerned.  With the basic framework worked out, and the proposed constitution ratified, the Steering Committee of LESCT began working to meet all the criteria required by LESI. Finally, at the International Delegates Meeting on June 12, 2005 in Munich, Germany, LESI by an unanimous vote formally accepted LESCT as its 31st Member Society.  As of March 20, 2006, LES Chinese Taipei received formal approval and recognition as a non-profit civic organization by the local governing authority in Taiwan. All members of LESCT are automatically members of LESI. Membership benefits include access to the restricted areas of the LESI website and LESI membership directory, access to the online version of les Nouvelles (the quarterly journal of LESI), reduced registration fees for all events from LES Member Societies, etc.


LESCT founders include Paul C.B. Liu, Simon H.W. Tsai, Andy Y. Sun, Paul S.P. Hsu, Leo Lin, Johnsee Lee, Richard “Dick” Thurston, James Li, John R. Alison, and David W. Su.